Value | Meaning |
None0 | Errors that can occur with the VR compositor |
Loading100 | Errors that can occur with the VR compositor |
NotSupported200 | Errors that can occur with the VR compositor |
InvalidArg300 | Errors that can occur with the VR compositor |
InvalidModel301 | Errors that can occur with the VR compositor |
NoShapes302 | Errors that can occur with the VR compositor |
MultipleShapes303 | Errors that can occur with the VR compositor |
TooManyVertices304 | Errors that can occur with the VR compositor |
MultipleTextures305 | Errors that can occur with the VR compositor |
BufferTooSmall306 | Errors that can occur with the VR compositor |
NotEnoughNormals307 | Errors that can occur with the VR compositor |
NotEnoughTexCoords308 | Errors that can occur with the VR compositor |
InvalidTexture400 | Errors that can occur with the VR compositor |
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Errors that can occur with the VR compositor