Data required for passing Vulkan textures to IVRCompositor::Submit. Be sure to call OpenVR_Shutdown before destroying these resources. Please see for Vulkan-specific documentation
Data required for passing Vulkan textures to IVRCompositor::Submit. Be sure to call OpenVR_Shutdown before destroying these resources. Please see for Vulkan-specific documentation
Data required for passing Vulkan textures to IVRCompositor::Submit. Be sure to call OpenVR_Shutdown before destroying these resources. Please see for Vulkan-specific documentation
Data required for passing Vulkan textures to IVRCompositor::Submit. Be sure to call OpenVR_Shutdown before destroying these resources. Please see for Vulkan-specific documentation
Data required for passing Vulkan textures to IVRCompositor::Submit. Be sure to call OpenVR_Shutdown before destroying these resources. Please see for Vulkan-specific documentation
Data required for passing Vulkan textures to IVRCompositor::Submit. Be sure to call OpenVR_Shutdown before destroying these resources. Please see for Vulkan-specific documentation
Data required for passing Vulkan textures to IVRCompositor::Submit. Be sure to call OpenVR_Shutdown before destroying these resources. Please see for Vulkan-specific documentation
Data required for passing Vulkan textures to IVRCompositor::Submit. Be sure to call OpenVR_Shutdown before destroying these resources. Please see for Vulkan-specific documentation
Data required for passing Vulkan textures to IVRCompositor::Submit. Be sure to call OpenVR_Shutdown before destroying these resources. Please see for Vulkan-specific documentation
Data required for passing Vulkan textures to IVRCompositor::Submit. Be sure to call OpenVR_Shutdown before destroying these resources. Please see for Vulkan-specific documentation
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Data required for passing Vulkan textures to IVRCompositor::Submit. Be sure to call OpenVR_Shutdown before destroying these resources. Please see for Vulkan-specific documentation